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North Carolina Baptist Men/Baptists on Mission have been sending teams to the Good Shepherd Training Center since 2011 in an effort to reach the Quiche people for Christ.  Teams can work in construction, evangelism, mobile health clinics or other ministry projects.


Baptist Children's Homes of NC is the primary sponsor of the Good Shepherd Children's Home in Quetzaltenango providing support and expert training for the staff and administration.  Work teams are scheduled through North Carolina Baptist Men/Baptists on Mission.

NC Light The Way Ministries intends to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Quiche people of Guatemala, to aid them in their Christian growth, and to guide them in becoming missionaries in their own land. LTW directly channels money to national indigenous Quiche missionaries who work closely with Roger and Vicki Grossmann.

Woman’s Missionary Union of North Carolina is a missions organization whose purpose is to challenge, prepare and equip Christian believers to be radically involved in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.  WMU of NC is partnering with us to support the Good Shepherd Children’s Home.

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